Friday, February 8, 2013

When Where you can see a lot of Rolex in HK?

This is the Chinese New year day whereby most of the people are on vacation except poor HK Snob had to work as to help the family.

In these few days started on Sunday 10 Feb as the first day to the New year, and Monday (2nd) and Wednesday (4th) that is the three days you can see many Rolex in the street? Why?
As a traditions, 3rd day is not good to meet friends.

As many Chinese buys Rolex for investment and they might just keep it in the cold dark Safe Deposit box in the bank of the Safe box at home, except these three days, they will take it out and Polished it with a puff of air from his mouth using a piece of cloth to polish away the passivation layer after sleeping in the safe for 300 days. And in the 80s 90s many new married couples used to buy a Pair of Rolex one for he and one for She…. Now they can take it out to show off a bit…

You can count in just one carriage of MTR, you can easily find 12 Rolex Watches in these days!!

Well, Enjoy your Rolex! And you might feel better as it has gain 70% in dollar value over the past ten years! At least it appears a piece of investment and luxury items for many people. Afterward, don't put it back in the safe for another year to come.

HK Snob

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