If a Hong Kong pawn shop buys a fake Rolex watch unknowingly, they may not be held legally liable for selling counterfeit goods, as long as they can demonstrate that they had no reason to suspect that the watch was fake.
However, if a pawn shop knowingly purchases and resells counterfeit goods, they could face legal consequences, including fines and even imprisonment. It's important to note that buying and selling counterfeit goods is illegal in Hong Kong, and the authorities take this issue very seriously. Therefore, it is in the best interest of pawn shops to take all necessary precautions to ensure that they do not purchase or sell counterfeit goods, including Rolex watches.
As far as I know some Pawn shops mistakenly bought in some fake Rolex, they will sell out at Rolex price, of course I can't disclose which Pawn shops here, well, if you go for buying Rolex from Pawn shops, you should prepare to have chance that some of them may be fake! Always go to larger older pawn shops as they are supposed to have more experinece to tell, however there are still escapees!
Best way is to authenticate them at A7, CWR or Rolex Service centre if you have suspicions. Normally A7 or CWR charges HKD$800 per watch for authentication.
HK Snob