Showing posts with label Rolex 2024. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rolex 2024. Show all posts

Saturday, June 29, 2024




我曾擁有幾件收藏級的中古勞力士。那是在1990-2013年期間。其中,我最喜歡1803型日誌型,它們是最漂亮的勞力士之一,採用黃金、白金制造,尺寸為36毫米,非常適合我16.6公分的腕圍。然而,另一方面,這些中古Day Date 型號的價格一直在攀升。我們在2000年買到一枚黃金錶殼、黃金錶盤連原裝表帶的1803,當時的價格約6萬元,5年後已接近10萬元。我相信2000-2010那是Day Date 型愛好者的黃金 十年。



2. 手錶的狀況,包括錶盤、錶圈和錶殼。 

3. 是否附有原廠說明書和包裝盒等配件。 



即使勞力士也無法確定1971年中生產年GMT 1675型的哪一款錶盤是正確的。只有那些收藏家通過自己的實地調查,重建了勞力士全部的生產系列的資料,勞力士從未出版過一本書來告訴大家,1969或者1972 GMT Master應該使用什麼樣的錶盤...當然,他們可能知道,但不會因為公眾的想要的而公開這些數據...如果你想問,可以把你的手錶帶到勞力士服務中心,他們會查閱他們的記錄來告知你,儘管這様,

香港的勞力士服務中心和客戶之間曾經就手錶認證問題發生過多次爭論。最初,勞力士說根本沒有粉紅金1803型號的這件面,幾個月後,一位勞力士經理找到我的朋友說:"對不起, XX 先生。 你的這枚1803型號,序號為這個YYY ,確實有這麼様的面...我們已經在瑞士數據厙重新確認了。"這是一個好的結局” , 但係在大多數情況下,他們是決定你的手錶是否真實的-方! 你沒有權利和資格與他們爭論,因為勞力士就是至高無上的皇帝!



這基本上葬送了大部分擁有幾枚到幾百枚中古勞力士的收藏家。其中一個原因是,客戶和勞力士之間就復古手錶存在很多爭議。勞力士希望保持手錶的原有功能,如防水性和指針與錶盤的夜光性,所以每當你想維修手錶時,他們很可能會要求更換錶盤和指針或更換錶圈以確保恰當的夜光效果和防水功能。然而,在進行這種維修後,你的中古勞力士的價值就會損失50%,因為它變成了維修錶盤(service dial) 而不是原裝錶盤! 值得留意嘅日本勞力士服務中心所維修嘅錶大部份佢都同你打磨。 香港14 樓中你可以叫佢唔打磨佢就唔打磨。我唔知今日仲係咪咁。應該係啩? 

也許勞力士是在試圖保護自己,這將迫使人們,特別是新手收藏家,去買全新的勞力士或至少是新中古款勞力士, (泛指那-些1990-2000生產的勞力士。很明顯,在宣布這一消息後,很多人都感到害怕,不想再加入中古勞力士俱樂部...甚至包括我自己和我的朋友。相反,我們的重點會轉移到新中古款勞力士,如配有藍寶石水晶玻璃的勞力士手錶。或者乾脆新勞力士了。 

收集勞力士的序號從5位數開始。Daytona型是1562815620或更新型號,GMT Master1671016760,1675型、6542型則是收藏界的巫毒。至於Submariner , Sea-Dweller,則是16610而不是1680,16600而不是1665。 


一位中古勞力士專家曾告訴我,手錶價值的70%在於錶盤。也就是說,更換錶盤並不意味著價值一定會上升。許多收藏家都喜歡帶有漂亮斑駁patina dial , tropical dial 的錶盤,這會讓手錶看起來更加道地,也增添了它的故事性。更換一枚經過歲月洗禮的美麗錶盤會摧毀手錶的價值。


很多不誠實的經銷商和/或勞力士手錶賣家正在製造"Franken Rolex"手錶,方法是將不同型號的勞力士零件拼裝成一只手錶。我有一個菲律賓朋友,曾經到旺角一家店鋪購買10只主要為老款的勞力士手錶。當他回到家後將手錶送往勞力士進行維修時,發現這10只全部都是Franken手錶。他請我幫助他要求退款,但店家並不同意,因為發票上沒有承諾在某日期後可以更換。事實上,所有的Franken零件都是真正的勞力士零件,所以從法律角度來說,店家並沒有欺騙你。我已經記不清他最後是否成功退款,那已經是12年前的事了。

甚至連著名的拍賣行在預覽時,也會發現一些問題,比如一只1803型號的白金手錶配有不銹龬的錶冠! 或許那是一款特別的藍色錶盤,非常漂亮的作品。為什麼會有不銹龬錶冠呢?事實上,我們不知道為什麼這位表主沒有換成白金錶冠。也許他並不知情。另一個著名的案例是一位香港影星YML Daytona手錶,也出現了類似的問題,而且這只手錶是從一家香港著名的Vintage勞力士專賣店購買的。


即使是大明星也會被騙, 或者是賣家也是不知情收回來,也不知情的賣了出去?而這只手錶並不便宜,他原本打算拿去拍賣,估價600萬元。誰還敢投資購買老款中古勞力士手錶呢?


所以很多收藏家對於尋找老款勞力士手錶已經失去興趣,也沒有人能夠站出來說"這只手錶是真品"。相反,總是有人跳出來說你的錶盤是"翻新的""非原裝錶盤"。這真的很傷心,也摧毀了老款勞力士市場。自2016年以來,老款勞力士的價格不再上漲,反而呈下降趨勢。我試問: 誰願意用三十萬買了-古董勞力士,有-天,開開心心的拿去勞力士十四樓維修中心。他們-位上工不到-年的服務員說: 唔好意思啊,我哋師傅話呢隻錶我勞力士冇出過呢個錶面㗎!


HK Snob


Sunday, June 16, 2024

Voice out a Fake Rolex at Media?

 好多時見到外國綱站有人放隻勞力士錶出嚟,有D人就衝出嚟話件面不是原裝,或者表吾對期,有些早期的勞力士表,產量細,勞力士本身無正式記錄,連自己有幾多變種都未攪清楚,勞力士一年造嘅錶就多於Patek Philippe對上一百年做的總和咁多啦! 勞力士不同拍德菲麗或愛彼產量稀少,他們有詳細記錄產品流水號,型號外觀有詳細資料!就馮一張相決定人地隻錶係唔係原裝?
HK Snob

Sunday, June 9, 2024


 我並不是勞力士的仇視者,事實上,我喜歡勞力士,但我僅限於某些型號,並非所有的勞力士我都喜歡。例如,三年前泰芙尼 Oyster Perpetual Tiffany 曾經以高達 500,000 元的價格成交,而官方建議零售價只有 46,800 (估計) 

我認為那只是由於百達翡麗 5711 Tiffany泰芙尼藍的炒作,沒有中期價值(我無法預知長期價值,因為我沒有水晶球) 

至於 2024 年新推出的勞力士手錶,真的沒有什麼引起我的注意, 2023 年的 Day-Date Maze 可能會很有趣,但那肯定是超級稀有的型號。到目前為止,即使過了將近 1.5 ,我也還沒在香港看到一個。對於 2023 年的 Celebration 波波,我不認為我會想買它。也許這是一件適合 16 歲富家女父親生日禮物的好選擇。如果男士佩戴,我會懷疑他的品味。


我認為有幾個很不錯的型號會引起我的注意。對於那些夢寐以求的錶款,我喜歡Daytona Rainbow 彩虹迪通拿。對於我能負擔的,像是 1675 GMT tropical錶盤、16618 Lapis Onyx 潛水錶、16519 隕石錶盤迪通拿,又或者是簡單的 16528 黑或白錶盤。這就是我喜歡的勞力士。 


除了勞力士,我應該留意哪些其他手錶品牌呢?當然是卡地亞 - 單按鈕白金計時碼錶、Santos 實金表或 Pasha Salmon錶盤實金或不銹鋼。 

江詩丹頓,海外系列 42042 Salmon 錶盤,我認為這些都是美麗的作品。 

愛彼 - 星輪、皇家橡樹 152025402 鋼。Patek 3700, 3800 Pink Gold, Vacheron Constantin 222 steel or yellow gold. 


HK Snob

Monday, June 3, 2024

What is your next purchase on your Rolex in 2024

 Rolex GMT Master II Pepsi with Jubilee bracelet Ref 126710BLRO

Well. A great topics that many people wish to know.. there are ways to probe what we should consider to buy, if you are Rolex connoisseur, probably you will be interested to know what is next Rolex watch to buy.

In recent month, we can see the new Pepsi Ref 126710BLRO price is getting higher and higher, dealer trading price is $182,000 and even an 2021 NOS Pepsi Jubilee is around $150,000.

In 2023 The price if new Pepsi Jubilee bracelet was about $155,000.

As we have rumour that this Pepsi would be discontinued soon or someone is trying to buy up this particular model to boost the price of Rolex? As usually Rolex will not announced any discontinuing of watch in middle of the year unless for exception.

So what do you think of this watch? This had been in the market for about 9 years, and I think the early NOS version of People is likely more collectible as the Red colour on the bezel is pinky red like a cheery.

Milgauss Green glass blue dial 16400GV

Milguass is not always the top most sough after Rolex model in the years, however, note that  special one would be an exception, first of all, green glass, second the blue dial and

Rolex Daytona 116520 While dial.

This particular model price had been dropped a lot a naked watch could be found at about $125,000 to $130,000 and a full set with box and papers is about $150,000 to $160,000

Note that the P, K and Y series is particularly a target fir you ad these three years watch dial were prone to be changing colour to yellow or creamy I have noted a few good example of P series Year 2001, I bought in 2020 a $300,000 full set from Italy, and the price rose up to $800,000 in 2022.

The way it appears is astonishing as the dial is slightly creamy, no need to shine under the sunlight at various angle to show, it is already is a “Painted Dial as yellow”. Why only “P”, “K’ and “Y” series is likely to turn to yellowish dial most likely thee three years dial was subcon-ed into some Rolex.

Of course we can look for the beast Daytona Le Mans 126529LN, but I think that is another level for connoisseur. Not for the ordinary me…


HK Snob

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Rolex new watches highlight 2024

 Rolex 2024

I can’t rule out the affection of Rolex fans as Rolex takes up 50% of Swiss watch export revenues in 2023. Rolex’s new watch will be the focus of many of us.

Rolex has added a new stainless steel GMT-Master II to the lineup. Featuring the same split-color black and gray bezel, the new Rolex GMT-Master II 126710GRNR pairs its updated bezel with the green GMT hand and green dial text as the black and green left-handed GMT-Master II that debuted in 2022. Just like the rest of the models from the current GMT-Master II lineup, this new GMT-Master II 126710GRNR is powered by the Caliber 3285 automatic GMT movement, which features the brand’s Chronergy escapement and runs at a frequency of 28,800vph (4 Hz) with a power reserve of approximately 70 hours. Additionally, just like the other stainless steel models, this new GMT-Master II 126710GRNR is available with either the brand’s three-link Oyster or five-link Jubilee bracelets, and both versions are completed by Rolex’s Oysterlock clasp with the brand’s Easylink comfort extension system.

Rolex Deepsea in 18KT Yellow gold

Quite to my unexpected, for 2024, Rolex introduced a solid gold dive watch rated to 3900m. And never mind that you can wear a watch that deep into the deep sea with ease — this watch is about status, pure and simple. The new Rolex Deepsea 136668LB is big and stupid.

A 322g, solid 18k Deepsea on a solid 18k gold bracelet is contradictory to much of what we’ve seen from Rolex in the past. It is a 44m-wide, 17.7mm-thick gold watch.   And the bright blue ceramic Cerachrom bezel shines and matches as on the gold case. Put the gold and blue together with the weight and all you can think of this is a showy piece but not for you to wear everyday. May not be comfortable for me to wear. May be someone’s else.

Rolex Perpetual 1908 in Platinum “Ice Blue”

This is top-of-the-line Rolex dress watch, and I think many people like this watch more than the about GMT and Deepsea. Rolex has followed up with the Perpetual 1908 in platinum (ref. 52506) with an “ice blue” guilloché dial. It is done the traditional way with a hand-operated machine, the guilloché dial gives the watch an entirely different character. The striking pale blue is also more modern.

It is 39 mm wide and 9.5 mm, it is clean, well made, thin, appealing bright hue of the Ice Blue dial with a balance of denser weight of Platinum case, In its original form, the 1908 had excellent proportions for a modern-day dress watch in right proportion with size and thickness, overall is first grade Rolex watch.  At for US$31,000, a reasonable premium that is less than many brands levy for the metal. Just my personal comment, a brawn Croco strap isn't the best colour match for such a modern Rolex?

How do you like it? And I believe this is easier to get than the GMT Master II.

HK Snob