Saturday, November 12, 2016

Watch Fever Gathering

HK Snob and his Day Date and Tudor Black Bay Bronze

Ref 16613 Like New on sale

Submariner Ref 14060 with invisible strap and pin

The main topics of today is two watches.
The Patek Philippe Calatrava with white enamel dial.
The new Tudor Black Bay Bronze.

HK Snob

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Rolex Date Just 2016

This is a new Colour that makes my eyes "OPENED" as over the window, this is an outstanding watch that it stands out from the rest.
The Light purple is a beautiful colour.
The new bracelet is made "thinner" that goes with better contact with your wrist.
The new model is under Ref 279383 
HK AD list price is HK126,500
If you want to know more about discount, you can whatsapp me.
HK Snob

Watch Repair, Cleaning and Polishing Services for Philippine Watch Fever readers

If you have any watches that you want to make a full service in HK, HKWF can help you and We can bring you watch to HK for Service at a very famous Watch Repair Centre...
They will make a full inspection and in case part required with give you a quote first.
Price is very reasonable and we will hand carry back to you by hand.. no hassle, no trouble.

Watches like:-
PP, AP VC, Rolex, Tudor, Piaget, Cartier, RM, Panerai...etc

Even Rolex does not take it for repair. Rolex service centre does not have a full record of you watch and they do not service, we do.

Service including, inspection, time adjustment, Water proof test, overhaul, case polishing, restoration of gold bracelet.

Time for such services
Within two to three weeks, the watch will be delivered to you by hand in Manila.

Our Charges is reasonable.

HK Snob

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Rolex Submariner no Date Ref 14060 On sale


This is one of the watch that minimalists like; No date, two liners, as those are not necessary for a Dive Watch.
Year 1997.

The bezel has been changed to beautiful blue or a bit greyish blue after 25 years.

The T-25 Dial is about to start to change colour.

Price HK$33,500

HK Snob

A Lang 1815 Updown

July 2015 Watch, still under warranty, asking price around HK$130K

HK Snob

PS Watch Sold

Friday, November 4, 2016

Rolex Turn-O-graph Ref 116264 on Sale

Turn-O-graph Ref 116264 grey blue dial in red second pointer and White dial Available
Price HK $39,900

HK Snob

New Zenith Heritage Pilot on Sale with big Discount

This is one of the new Zenith 2016 Pilot available on sale at one of the AD shops.

List Price HK$59,800
Now HKWF offer a special Introductory discount for HK$43,000 cash

Refer to last post about this watch

HK Snob

Pre-woned Rolex Submariner Ref.14060M

Rolex Submariner no date Ref.14060M
Watch Only.


HK Snob

PS. Watch sold.

Rolex Submariner Ref.5513 on sale

Rolex Ref 5513, Submariner two liner
Patina Dial,
With paper, manual and Submariner booklet
Big Crown
HK Snob

Pre-owned Rolex Daytona White Ref. 116520 On sale

Rolex Daytona Ref. 116520 in steel.
2008 HK AD watch
With paper, 95% new.
With Paper and Box

HK Snob

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

王子篇一, The story of Rolex Prince (1)


勞力士創辦人Hans Wilsdorf 係一個奇才,佢不單只令勞力士屢創紀錄,佢既市場推廣策略,令勞力士更上一層樓.就以勞力士(Rolex)依個名為例,其實Rolex依個字本身係冇意思, Hans Wilsdorf只係要創造一個簡短,可以令人容易上口,容易記得既名字.所以佢就張26個字母,不斷重複又重複咁排列,終於被佢想到Rolex依個字

1910年代,勞力士只係一間"新公司",佢冇悠長既歷史,所以要打入市場,Hans Wilsdorf知道,佢要靠實力戰勝其他公司,因此,佢集中去研發一d極準確既機芯,更屢獲殊榮.1926年勞力士更加發明左蠔式防水錶,令佢聲名大噪. d係勞力士係技術上既成功

年全世界陷入經濟大蕭條時代,全球國民生產總值(GDP)係頭三年已經下跌左15% (2008年經濟倒退,全球國民生產總值只下跌吾夠1%).當每間瑞士鐘錶廠想法子掙扎求存時,勞力士不單沒有收縮, Hans Wilsdorf更反行其道,不斷研發新產品,以圖打入不同階層既消費者.係依段經濟大蕭條時期,勞力士有三大發明

(Oyster) 1926
(Prince) 1928
(Oyster Perpetual) 1931

王子既成功,充分表現出Hans Wilsdorf既才華,更顯得佢膽色個人. 首先, 王子既吾防水,又吾自動,以當時黎講,只可以話係一隻時款手錶,當全世界喺經濟大蕭條時諗緊點緊縮求存. Hans Wilsdorf 就行極高級路缐,張王子標榜為成功人任之手錶"The watch for men of distinction", 某些王子型號,售價就等於當時一架汽車既價錢

王子錶獨特既長方型機芯設計,張個balance winding barrel 分開上下一方,咁樣做法,可以令隻錶行得更耐時間(58小時)同更準確.因為王子錶張個時針及分針同個秒針分開上下兩個盤,令人更加容易睇到秒針,使用者更容易幫人探脈搏,所以王子錶亦叫醫生錶

最早期之王子錶只分收腰(Brancard #971)及直身(Straight #1343)兩種,後來加入其他型號,如火車軌(Railway #1527), 羊角(Ram #3937) 及大三針之#3361及跳字王子(Jumping Hour),更有懷錶王子(pocket watch)Sporting Prince等等

用料方面有最貴之正鉑金, K, 金鋼, , , 白金屬及包金等.當然, 正鉑金就一定係最貴最罕有,如果以K金黎講, K白金為最罕有.事實上,任何1930年代K白金男裝勞力士皆為罕有.我地從未見過K白金oyster仔或棺材仔

Nice 14 KT Yellow Gold Ram case




1920年代尾勞力士出產收腰(歐洲及亞洲叫Brancard, 北美洲叫flared case)及直身(straight case)兩款王子.勞力士係1930年代中再加入火車軌(Railway #1527)款王子.

年代為Art Deco年代,火車軌款,就係一款非常之正宗既Art Deco, 勞力士玩既就係缐條,係錶身旁邊各加多兩條軌,一級一級向下.所以叫火車軌,有時我地會見到一d火車軌王子左右只各加一條邊.依個Art Deco設計,一直受大眾歡迎,並且影響深遠.2003PP出左款 Grand Complication #5101 十日動力陀飛輪,亦係用同一款式

2 mint condition railway Prince in 9K white Gold

#1527 9K

除左大三針王子(#3361), 火車軌王子(#1527),係眾多款王子手錶中最少有既一款(以錶殻款式而論).再加上極罕有既K白金及95%品相.好錶難求.

1930年代,勞力士出產左火車軌王子,佢既錶殻,揉合左當時既Art Deco運動,用藝術既方式表達出黎,影響深遠.Art Deco運動只延續到第二次世界大戰初期,大概1940, 隨之而起既係當時既現代主義(Modernism).

勞力士係1940年代就用依種現代主義藝術,再為王子生產另外一個款式: 羊角王子(Ram case). 羊角王子之命名係因為其錶耳獨特,好似羝羊既角咁.佢錶耳既外型,就同近代最偉大既建築設計師 Frank Lyod Wright 所設計位於紐約之 Solomon R. Guggenheim 博物舘一樣.我地可以想像得到,勞力士張藝術同王子既錶殻,變為一體.如果要我想另一間錶廠可以做到依個地步,我只可以想到PP, 上世紀40-50年代PP出產左好多如藝術品般既錶殻: Hour Glass, Eiffel Tower, Top Hat
Frank Lyod Wright's Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum Design

羊角王子可以分為兩種, 早期羊角係凸出既.後期羊角係凹入既.根據小弟既1/4世紀王子.最後期之收腰王子為1947,而最早期之羊角王子亦為1947.因此,我地可以推斷,羊角王子之生產期大概在1940年代中/後期

第一期羊角王子由1947年開始至1949, 而第二期就由1950年至停產期.小弟見過最後一年為1954. 因此,我地可以推斷王子停產期為大約1950年代中期.依個亦解釋左,點解早期之1/4世紀王子用收腰款,而後期之王子用羊角款


from Left to Right
#971     14K 白金雕花
#971     14K 黃金/白金雕花
#971     14K 黃金/白金
#971       9K 玫瑰金/白金
#971      925

#1490    14K 黃金
#1490    /玫瑰金
#1490      9K 黃金
#1490      9K 玫瑰金
#1527      9K 白金

#1862      全鋼
#1343      全鋼
#3937      14K 黃金(後期)
#3937      14K 黃金(早期)
加拿大直身王子 包金/





Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Rolex Day Date Ref.1803 bracelet

A Right Bracelet may sometimes more difficult than a watch to be found.
This is one early Bracelet of 18KT gold for your Day Date.
HK Snob