Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Attitude drives action. Action drives results. Results drive lifestyles.

Attitude drives action. Action drives results. Results drive lifestyles.” That is a quote from American’s business philosopher Jim Rohn. If you don’t like your lifestyle, look at your result, if you don’t like you results, look at your actions. If you don’t like you actions, look at your attitude. If you don’t like your attitude, look at your philosophy. Most Salespersons make the fatal mistake of starting in the middle. They start with “actions”. If you have no philosophy and you have a lousy attitude, what kind so actions are you going to take!? And If I asked you right now what is your philosophy…
Develop a Yes, Attitude,
There is a subtle difference between “positive” attitude and a “yes” attitude. Both are GREAT, but “Yes” is a bit more powerful. It assumes that everything will start with “yes” even when it is “no”.   A “yes” attitude helps you to formulate yes responded in a positive form. A “yes” attitude is more declarative, it tells people in word that their expectation will be met. And somehow your answer to whatever they want or need will be ”yes” or in a positive format. Everyone wants to hear “yes” and if you think of yourself as “yes” person. Not only will you be a positive frame of mind but you will also have positive expectation. “Yes person” does not equivalent to “yes-man”, where the latter one is reply yes regarding of any thorough thought of the need and reason why we have to reply “yes”! 

You know what to do, you just don’t do it. Salespersons are the smartest people in the world. As I go from audience to audiences they have one common theme among them, Everyone already knows everything, (problem is they are not doing it.) There is a difference between knowing and doing and most salesperson are without a clue how about the power of the subtlety. As you read through this book don’t tell yourself. “I know what, “Rather ask yourself “how good am I at that?” Time management - What is important now? Lesson in time management = is pretty much waste of time. As everyone thinks that he knows what to do; and think that you even know when to do it. What you need is lesson in procrastination or lesson in higher self-image, or a lesson in fear of rejection, or a lesson of preparation. Those lessons will allow you to execute the things that in your own mind you believe youself, “don’t have time for”: but in reality, you are just avoiding them. 

Celebrate effort, victory
The work ethic, better stated as your work ethic, will lead you to more sales than any other element in your sales arsenal. If someone says, “Oh that Mary, she really works hard.” I consider that to be a compliment or the highest order. Too many times sale people and their leaders only celebrate the sale. And while that‘s important. It is equally important to celebrate the work that went into making the sale happen.
Be Selfish
Do it yourself. Selfish wins. In order for you to be the BEST you can be for others, first you must be BEST for yourself. If you want to be the best sale person first you must be the best person. If you want to be the best dad or mom, first you must be the best person you can be for yourself. When you achieve best for yourself, then and only then can you be your best for others, I know it has a selfish twinge to it, but if you think about long enough you will come to realize that your short comings in all of your endeavors stem from the fact you’re not being the best person you can be first.
Moral of the book:
“Climbing the ladder of success?
Which what are you headed?
Hints: The secret to climbing up is to put your heart into your work.” 

After reading a book “Jeffrey Gitomer’s Little Red book of Selling” I bought at San Francisco back in 2007
HK Snob

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