Wednesday, September 25, 2013

14 Things I love about Hong Kong

 14 things I love about HK
I was borne in HK and raised in HK and I love Hong Kong as much as many of the old Hong Konger…
If you ask me what things make you like Hong Kong, I would have pointed out these…
There are almost every type of food you can eat in Hong Kong, Cantonese seems is the majority as 65% people of Hong Kong is coming from Canton and many other countries’ like French, Italian, Indian, Russian…and HK is small, if the restaurant is no good, they wouldn't last long.
There are a lot of local HK food, like fish balls, these balls are an awesome snack.  They are for sale everywhere.  No one seems to ever know exactly what type of fish is in them.  But nobody cares.  HKD$5 for four of these balls on a stick.  Some of the sauces you can get with these are truly …….incredible.
Dim Sum and Cha Siu is one of the famous dishes here.

Stinky Dou Foo, easy to be found, once you enter Mong Kok MTR station exit near Bank Centre, unless you get Flu, the stinky smell will lean you there… I had some before in Kowloon City when I was young and those where amazing, nowadays, I can feel the pungent smell but not able to enjoy the taste?

Harbour view, sea peeps, green view, open view – Whether it’s the million dollar view of the harbour, or a cityscape of twinkling lights at night, the views from buildings in Hong Kong are often amazing. The best is we look from the Peak at clear day at night.

This city is probably one of the safest in the world comparable to Japan.  Violent crime against people on the street happens so rarely that it makes front pages news for days if it does occur.  I always wear a Solid Gold Rolex Day Date walking through the small alley at night from Yan Ma Tei into Jordan, then TST, no one want to rip me off, Why? They know I am Kung Fu master? No, as they cannot run away if they rob my watch… Hong Kong is safe enough for anyone to move around in, at all times of the day and night, with no need to worry about personal safety.

4.Pigeon Hole
Climbing into one’s bed from the doorway is a common occurrence for Hong Kongers.  Floor space includes the calculation of your share of the lift and the lobby, refuse room, even the mail-box! The average Hong Kong home measures only 450 square feet. Of course there are rich people with their study room size of 1,000 sq feet, but those are exceptional. My house is quite big, my Audio Room is 500 Square feet, my living room is also 500 Square Feet, my rest room is 300 Square feet: but total floor space is also 500 Square Feet!

When it comes to living in a place that has no democratically elected government, Hong Kong is one of the freest places I have been.  If it’s not illegal than you can do almost anything, but we do have an average 2 demonstration every day, we can throw banana to the Chief Executive in the legislative meeting, we can occupy the whole Floor space of Hong Kong for more than one year, and no one seems to be in trouble, however one primary school teacher say some : What the Fxxx!!” to the police had been stirred up with some revolution changes towards the use of profanity languages!?

6.People Love Exercise
People goes to park to practice Tai Chi as old men’s exercise.. and Hong Kongers love to march.  .  People here are also very conscious of their rights.  Any attempt by the government to take away a perceived right brings Hong Kongers onto the streets in their tens of thousands.  Hong Kong is a city where you can have a march of 500,000 people and not a single arrest.  Non-violent protest is the way in Hong Kong.  Marches and protests here are colorful fun and theatrical. But how long this peaceful match exercise would last!?

7.Octopus cards
This is truly a Hong Kong technological breakthrough. Just one card do can do want ever you need,
Train, ferry, MTR, 7-11, Taxi, Fast food and sooner Aircraft!!

Hong Kong is a city of energy, City of no-sleep, HK is Dynamic, I asked my Nikken Japanese Teacher why she wanted to stay in HK after married with her husband who was still staying in government house with his mother, She said, Japanese like the way HK people moving, fast, dynamic, and lot of energy! The city moves at a million miles per hour.  The energy is infectious.  People work long hours in Hong Kong but that’s what people here expect.
The shops in Hong Kong open late and stay open later.  Most Shops open at ten and till ten thirty at night.  The rest of the world could learn that one of the reasons why Hong Kong is a shoppers’ paradise is because the shops STAY OPEN.  Just along Canton Road you can likely able to purchase the 50 best European brand for Luxury products from Watch,  Clothes makeup, shoes and Bags! Don't forget we have SSP, Temple street, Lady’s street for the grassy root people like I.

We always said, go to the street raise your hand, the taxi will come and stop in front of you.
People own and run cars in Hong Kong for showy and his own space… an Expensive iolsation – the congestion, the traffic jams, the tolls, the parking costs! Honestly, for sheer convenience, jump in a taxi.  Hong Kong taxis come in 3 colours, depending on their zoned areas: Red for Kowloon, Green for N.T. and Blue for Lantao Island.

11.The country parks
Hong Kong is about 70% open spaces and a lot of that area is country park.  Hong Kong people love the country parks, with their hiking paths, barbecue pits, “fresh” air.  Hong Kong isn't Concrete forest, there are organized Japanese Hiking Tours coming HK just for Hiking. For those who pay hefty tax should not let the country park untouched by your Hiking shoes!
Often, when inviting others to eat with you, in Chinese, you ask them to “drink tea”. We call “Drink Tea”  as “Yam Cha”.
Hong Kong was rated the life expectancy highest in the world since 2012, may be Tea and Soup is one of the factors. As People of Hong Kogn teand to drink tea and Soup. Many people drink goof soup especial
Yi Lai Soup (second Wife’s soup) usually the soup is well prepare and topped with a lot of herbal nutriciant material.

Iced Lemon tea is such a younger people’s favourite among Hong Kong people that it’s available in bottles and boxes for easy and convenient consumption.  “milk tea” as the locals call it can be served hot or cold, not automatically hot, as it would be in most parts of the world. The Most Common tea s Po Er, Tek Kwan Yin, and Heung Pin.

13.Hong Kong airport
Hong Kongers should be proud of his airport. In-town check in service, a fast, clean and convenient express train, mini TV screens, onboard uniformed baggage carriers, seasonal cool architecture, thumb print scanning immigration e-Channel counters, almost unlimited places to eat and shop.  Hong Kong airport rocks.  It is efficient, clean and very user friendly.  I travel a lot and no other airport even gets close. Now HKIA has the Asian’s Largest Rolex Boutique at the Departure Atrium, with 100 staff to serve you. Next time, you can come and enjoy the Rolex Window shopping. There are a lot young beautiful sale executive to serve you, and help you to put on the Rolex you want…they sell the simple Rolex Ref 114200 Air-King $38,500 to Submariner Emerald Ref 116649EM $2,855,000.
Opposite is the soon opening Chanel with same size, Watch out!

I have a lot of friends; Watch Collector, Pen Collector, Audiophiles, Colleague that like watches.
I had almost Weekly gathering for Watch Discussion, Watch trades, I had friends in Hi Fi Shop, I had a few friend in different Rolex AD who give me big help. I had a few friends who appreciate LP.
And Most of all, Hong Kong still got a lot of pretty women that is easy going, Sweet, and of good partner for some extracurricular activities…

HK Snob
Watch Fever

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