Saturday, September 28, 2013

Stainless Steel Lady Date Just with President Strap!?

A lady who wears a Chanel skirt, carry a purple Birkin, wearing an Fake Gold  Date Just going into this Luxurious Rolex main Boutique in the CBD of HK.  There are just a few sales there, and quite busy handling Chinese Tourists.
The young lady, came to see the Lady Date Just with President bracelet that she thinks that is a Stainless steel watch. She notice that there was an approaching sale man, however she could not stop the fart and all in sudden it came out loud. She pretended whilst squeezed up her hose with her fingers and said; “Pleaseee, stay far away from me!!....your fart is terrible!  Bring me that stainless steel Date Just later.
James, the salesman said, “Yes, Miss, when you see the price tag on the Platinum Lady Date Just, I think you will not fart anymore, your will burst the shit out onto your skirt!
HK Snob

Remarks, this is purely a joke! There is no intention to bad mouth anything about Chanel, Hermes, Chinese, HK or Rolex.

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